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Писатель: Рыбаченко Олег Павлович

Входит в цикл: “Роман”




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  克里斯蒂娜建議:   讓我們做角!   瑪格達咯咯地笑著叫道:   - 成為最高等級的惡魔吧!   她露出了她的舌頭。   姑娘們真的很開朗,肌肉也很結實。   格爾達說:   - 哦,莫格利就是我們!   夏洛特糾正她的朋友:   更像泰山!   克里斯蒂娜咯咯地笑著說:   啊,泰山,泰山,泰山!所有國家的統治者!   瑪格達高興地尖叫起來:   - 我們有普魯士精神!我們聞到普魯士的味道!   格爾達咯咯一笑,劈開蘇軍坦克,咕噥道:   - 不是!我們是撒旦自己的孩子!   夏洛特呲牙咧嘴地說:   - 我們將忠於祖國!   克里斯蒂娜欣然證實了這一點:   - 是的,我們會!與祖國和黨同在!   瑪格達高興地喃喃道:   - 領導人來來去去,但黨仍然存在!   .第 8 章   當然,戰爭一直在拖延......德國人遭受了損失,並且在戰鬥中越來越多地使用外國人。不過,他們的實力還是比較大的。土耳其人也來了。他們試圖席捲埃里溫。   但是英勇的蘇軍士兵仍然能夠擊退這次進攻,優勢力量。

Координаты: 0 год; 0 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 206, для младшеклассников.

1097 k

upd 2023-12-03

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 The Fourth Hypostasis (A novel-hagiography) I

Писатель: Пучеглазов Василий Яковлевич


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Anyway, the "voice of the blood" connecting them barely sounded today in his present, in contrast to her, who was offended by the irregularity of his visits, tending her son that dropped in to see her as if he sojourned till then God knew how many months somewhere in the remote polar regions and she had been terribly missing him; whereas he, with his uninterrupted workload and work schedule of all seven days a week, could perfectly do without her, although she had not turned yet into a tiring burden, like infirm grannies pensioners lapsing into senility; but, as it belatedly became clear, he could it only in that gradually formed "self" which he was conscious of and which quite did without his past self, intractable and emotionally irrational, because this present self of his had showed itself to him now in all its thin-skinned unsteady borrowing of his learned fundamental solidity, based, like everyone's else, on shaky piers of saving self-restraint which were already not once menacingly swayed by the tides of the lawless abyss, while in the strange obsession at the cemetery, this self got suspended in mid-air over the emptiness of the predetermined and inevitable chasm, whither, without saying goodbye to him, after his father his mother had gone forever, whose dumb corpse was hidden today in the clay and whose sudden death, having cut off their lifelong blood connection, transformed his recent insensitivity into a gaping wound of the excruciating pain that could be alleviated by nothing but motherhood, no longer existing for him.

Координаты: 0 год; 0 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 152, для младшеклассников.

1028 k


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 The Fourth Code I

Писатель: Vinogradov Pavel


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This became quite obvious to him when she managed to confuse him a couple of times with some girlish tricks. He didn't show it, of course, but in his heart he called himself an old dog. The Cromlech was alone, all alone, but the loneliness didn't bother him in the least. The idea of starting a family, of having children, had never occurred to him. He always thought that his way of life was so alien to the ordinary ways of the people of his time that it would be a crime to drag others along with him. And if there are also children... What right did he have to drag their hypothetical lives into the dreadful vortex of his own?

Координаты: 3 год; 0.04 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 189, для младшеклассников. Диалогов: 9%.

879 k


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 Снежная лавина (engl)

Писатель: Стефенсон, Нейл


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No. It can't be. Someone is shadowing him. Right off his left flank. A person on a skateboard, rolling down the highway right behind him, just as he is laying in his approach vectors to Heritage Boulevard. The Deliverator, in his distracted state, has allowed himself to get pooned. As in harpooned. It is a big round padded electromagnet on the end of an arachnofiber cable. It has just thunked onto the back of the Deliverator's car, and stuck. Ten feet behind him, the owner of this cursed device is surfing, taking him for a ride, skateboarding along like a water skier behind a boat.

Координаты: 0 год; 0.02 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 190, для младшеклассников. Диалогов: 0%.

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 Bound for glory (engl)

Писательница: Гасри Вуди


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I followed the trail out over the hill through the sun and the weeds. The camp was bigger than the town itself. People had dragged old car fenders up from the dumps, wired them from the limbs of oak trees a few feet off of the ground and this was a roof for some of them. Others had taken old canvas sacks or wagon sheets, stretched the canvas over little limbs cut so the forks braced each other, and that was a house for those folks. I heard two brothers standing back looking at their house saying, "I ain't lost my hand as a carpenter, yet." "My old eyes can still see to hit a nail," They'd carried buckets and tin cans out of the heap, flattened them on the ground, then nailed the tin onto crooked boards, and that was a mansion for them. Lots of people, families mostly, had some bedclothes with them, and I could see the old stinky, gummy quilts and blankets hung up like tents, and two or three kids of all ages playing around underneath. There was scatterings of cardboard shacks, where the people had lugged cartons, cases, packing boxes out from town and tacked them into a house. They was easy to build, but the first rain that hit them, they was goners.

Координаты: 0 год; 0 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 191, для младшеклассников.

695 k


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 Тропик Козерога (engl)

Писательница: Миллер Генри


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He was continually talking about himself and his relation to the world about, a quality which created the unfortunate impression that he was simply a blatant egotist. It was even said, which was true enough as far as it went, that he seemed more concerned about the truth of Mr. MacGregor's fatherhood than about Mr. MacGregor, the father. The implication was that he had no real love for his new-found father but was simply deriving a strong personal gratification from the truth of the discovery, that he was exploiting this discovery in his usual self-aggrandizing way. It was deeply true, of course, because Mr. MacGregor in the flesh was infinitely less than Mr. MacGregor as symbol of the lost father. But the MacGregors knew nothing about symbols and would never have understood even had it been explained to them. They were making a contradictory effort to at once embrace the long lost son and at the same time reduce him to an understandable level on which they could seize him not as the "long lost" but simply as the son. Whereas it was obvious to any one with the least intelligence that his son was not a son at all but a sort of spiritual father, a sort of Christ, I might say, who was making a most valiant effort to accept as blood and flesh what he had already all too clearly freed himself from.

Координаты: 0 год; 0 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 182, для младшеклассников.

667 k


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 The Devil Rides Out

Писатель: Уитли, Деннис


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De Richleau shook his head. 'The Bloody Sacrifice is the oldest magical rite in the world. The slaying of Osiris and Adonis, the mutilation of Attis and the cults of Mexico and Peru, were all connected with it. Even in the Old Testament you read that the sacrifice which was most acceptable to God the Father was one of blood, and St. Paul tells us that "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission".' 'That was just ancient heathen cruelty.' 'Not altogether. The blood is the Life. When it is shed, energy-animal or human as the case may be-is released into the atmosphere. If it is shed within a specially prepared circle, that energy can be caught and stored or redirected in precisely the same way as electric energy is caught and utilised by our modern scientists.'

Координаты: 0 год; 0 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 184, для младшеклассников. Диалогов: 0%.

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 Зона 51 (engl)

Писатель: Догерти, Роберт


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Lisa Duncan had everything that was available in the able to piece together that the Germans had most likely official files about Majestic-12, and it was a pretty slim been led to the hidden chamber under the Great Pyramid reading file. Majestic-12 had been started in 1942 when by maps they had discovered elsewhere. President Roosevelt signed a classified presidential order The MJ-12 program had remained the most highly clas- initiating the project. At first, no one had quite understood sified project in the United States for the past fifty-five the strange facts that were being uncovered with the trans- years, at first because of the atomic information. Then, fer by the British in the fall of 1942 of a German physicist, after the Soviets had finally detonated their own bomb— Werner Von Seeckt, and a piece of sophisticated machinery

Координаты: 0 год; 0 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 191, для младшеклассников.

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 Большое "U" (engl)

Писатель: Стефенсон, Нейл


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Klein used organ music, usually lush garbled Romantic masterpieces or what he called Atomic Bach. Fenrick had the edge in system power, but most of that year's music was not as dense as, say, Heavy Metal had been in its prime, and so this difference was usually erased by the thinness of his ammunition. This did not mean, however, that we had any trouble hearing him. The Systems would trade salvos as the volume controls were brought up as high as they could go, the screaming-guitars-from-Hell power chords on one side matched by the subterranean grease-gun blasts of the 32-foot reed stops on the other. As both recordings piled into the thick of things, the combatants would turn to their long thin frequency equalizers and shove all channels up to full blast like Mr. Spock beaming a live antimatter bomb into Deep Space. Finally the filters would be thrown off and the loudness switches on, and the speakers would distort and crackle with strain as huge wattages pulsed through their magnet coils. Sometimes Klein would use Bach's "Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor," and at the end of each phrase the bass line would plunge back down home to that old low C, and Klein's sub-woofers would pick up the temblor of the 64-foot pipes and magnify it until he could watch the naked speaker cones thrash away at in the air. This particular note happened to be the natural resonating frequency of the main hallways, which were cut into 64-foot, 3-inch halves by the fire doors (Klein and I measured one while drunk), and therefore the resonant frequency of every other hall in every other wing of all the towers of the Plex, and so at these moments everything in the world would vibrate at sixteen cycles per second; beds would tremble, large objects would float off the edges of tables, and tables and chairs themselves would buzz around the rooms of their own volition. The occasional wandering bat who might be in the hall would take off in random flight, his sensors jammed by the noise, beating his wings against the standing waves in the corridor in an effort to escape.

Координаты: 0 год; 0 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 188, для младшеклассников. Диалогов: 1%.

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 The black book and Schwambrania

Писатель: Кассиль Лев


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As I learned from my reading, the past history of any self-respecting country was crammed full of wars. That was why Schwambrania had to work hard to catch up. However, there was no one it could fight. That was why we had to draw two curved lines across the bottom of the Big Tooth Continent and write "Fence" along one of them. We now had two enemy nations in the two marked-off comers. One was "Caldonia", a combination of "cad" and "Caledonia", and the other was "Balvonia", a combination of "bad" and "Bolivia". The level ground situated between Caldonia and Balvonia was there to serve as a battle-field. It was marked "War" on the map.

Координаты: 0 год; 0 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 193, для младшеклассников.

128 k, 424 илл.

upd 2022-12-25

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 В С Великобритании 1860-1869

Писатель: Темежников Евгений Александрович

Входит в цикл: “Вооруженные силы разных времен и народов”

Рассказ в сборнике: Сборник: Вооруженные силы разных времен и народов

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Watt V.Emanuel 1 Agamemnon[N]:1852 (3100/4600т пм:2270лс=11уз 860ч 91ор=34г204/13+66п32+1п68) Agamemnon 2-1 типа Orion[N] (2600/3200т 61х17х7м пм:2300лс=11,5уз 720ч 91ор=34г204/13+56п32+1п68)     Orion:1855/1867, Hood:1859

Координаты: 1600 год; 0.45 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 160, для младшеклассников.

214 k, 2 илл.

upd 2024-04-18

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 Антология. Биология пчелиной семьи

Писательница: Пановски Анна

Входит в цикл: “Статья”


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п"пЅяЏя¸пЅп"яЊпҐпЎяЃя¸яЊ пNoя§я"п" пѢпҐяѓя¸яЂпЈ пЁпҐпЅпЇпЄп° пЎя§пЅпҐяЊ яЃп"пЎпІпҐп°. пџя§я"п"я‹ яЂпЅпЁяѓп"пЈяЂяѓяЋя¸ я¸пЅпѲпNoпЅяЂп°я¸яѓяЂяѓ пЈ пѢп"п°пІпҐпЎяЃя¸яЊ пЁпҐпЅпЇпЄп°, пѢя‹яЂп°я¨пЈпѢп°яЋя¸ яЂп°яЃпNoп"пЎпЄ, пЎя...яЂп°пҐяЏяЋя¸ пЁпҐпЅпЇпЄпЎ пЈ я¸п°п¢ пЄп°п"пЅпЅ. п п°пІпЄп°яЏ пЈпЇ яЌя¸пЈя... яЂп°пѴпЎя¸ яѓ пNoя§я"п" яЃпЎяЃя¸пЎпЈя¸ пЈпЇ пѲпҐпЎпЁпЈя... пNoпЎяЃп"пЅпЄпЎпѢп°я¸пЅп"яЊпҐя‹я... пЄпЅп№яЃя¸пѢпЈп№, яЃпЎпѢпЅяЂя€п°яЋя¨пЈпЅ пѢ я¸пЅя§пЅпҐпЈпЅ пЄп"пЈя¸пЅп"яЊпҐпЎпЁпЎ пѢяЂпЅпѲпЅпҐпЈ. пѣп°п¢пЎпЁпЎ яЂпЎпЄп° пЄпЅяЏя¸пЅп"яЊпҐпЎяЃя¸яЊ пNoя§я"п" пЎпѴяѓяЃп"пЎпѢп"пЅпҐп° пҐп°п"пЈя§пЈяЋ яѓ пҐпЈя... пЈпҐяЃя¸пЈпҐп¢я¸пЎпѢ. п£пҐяЃя¸пЈпҐп¢я¸ - яЌя¸пЎ яЃп"пЎпІпҐя‹п№ п¢пЎпѲпNoп"пЅп¢яЃ пѴпЅпЇяѓяЃп"пЎпѢпҐя‹я... яЂпЅя"п"пЅп¢яЃпЎпѢ. пѵпЎпѢяЂпЅпѲпЅпҐпҐп°яЏ пҐп°яѓп¢п° пѢяЃя" пNoпЎпѢпЅпЄпЅпҐпЈпЅ яѓ пNoя§я"п" пЎпѴяЉяЏяЃпҐяЏпЅя¸ пҐп°п"пЈя§пЈяЏ яѓ пҐпЈя... пЈпҐяЃя¸пЈпҐп¢я¸пЎпѢ.

Координаты: 0 год; 0 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 137, для младшеклассников.

4 k, 1 илл.

upd 2016-08-17

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 Sweet'n High

Писатель: Детищев Дмитрий Аркадьевич

Входит в цикл: “Миниатюра”

Рассказ в сборнике: Авторский сборник рассказов

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  "Heт."   "Hy cтyпaй, Hикитa, yтoмил ты мeня, oднaкo...."   "He пoдвeли, нe пoдвeли и нa этoт paз гpyзинcкиe товарищи", дyмaл ocтaвшийcя нaeдинe товарищ Cтaлин, oтщипывaя oт гpoзди и oтпpaвляя в poт cпeлыe виноградины...   ***   Maлeнькaя Cвeтлaнa любилa, кoгдa eй читaли книжки. " "Oн ycaми шeвeлит, гpoмким гoлocoм кpичит...", тoчнo пaпa, и "Kypoчкa-Pябa" тoжe пpo нeгo", дyмaлa oнa c нeжнocтью. A вoт cтpoчкa "Пocaдил дeд Peпкy" вызывaлa y нee бypный пpoтecт. "Дa кaкoй eщe дeд? Этo жe пaпкa, пaпкa eгo пocaдил!"

Координаты: 1930 год; -0.29 кубика адреналина. Индекс удобочитаемости Флеша — 155, для младшеклассников.
